GSaaS is a scalable service thats allows You to follow satellite dream without building, operating and maintenance costs of own Ground Station.

Our stations are located at center of the Poland, which makes Space Comm's locations the farthest outpost of services to the east of European Union.

This allows for first or farewell contacts with satellites passing over Europe.

Space Comm is a space telecommunication service brought to life by Michał Zawada, an Polish radio operator identifying with the SQ5KTM callsign.

His passion for many years focused on satellite telemetry and the reception of weak radio signals mainly from space.

The amateur radio station over the next few years expanded to the  full operational ground segment with the scope of satellite mission support on LEO [Low Earth Orbit]. These are appropriate antennas, transmitters, receivers and also an IT infrastructure that allows the processing and transfer large amounts of data directly from and to mission operators.

The service meets the expectations owners of small satellite: You create a satellite - we provide TT&C whenever You want. So use Your resources to build a better satellite, not to design, build and operate your own Ground Station - this aspect is outsourced to Space Comm.

Space Comm is a team of people and the sum experiences - their responsibilities include the radio, communication, planning, IT and mechanical sectors respectively. It's a working scalable structure that allows us to service Your satellite mission.

Space Comm has Mission Control + Mission Planner software that allows you to plan mission, queue tasks, send telecommands and files, display and record mission events and much more thanks to the client-server structure. The client has at his disposal a Control Panel, from which he supports all important aspects of the mission.

If key mission events require voice communication with Space Comm - we connect directly through the VoIP service during selected sessions to better coordinate the milestones of the mission.